Friday, 18 December 2020

2020 Review

Yes, this is meant to be a post on style guides. I do have that all planned out but it didn’t seem particularly appropriate to the time of year. And what a year! 2020 has been a year of highs and lows both personally and professionally. While I plan to have a full on business retreat in the new year, I thought now would be a good time to take stock of 2020.

Some new additions to the family in early 2020.


In early 2020, pre-pandemic, I started the ITI’s Advancing Your Freelance Translation Career course. It was online, to cater to a dispersed group of participants, and offered a fantastic opportunity to learn and meet other translators. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to kick their career up a gear.

Thankfully my partner and I moved in together the week before lockdown came into force. We both work from home so not a lot changed in our daily routines. Not being able to visit my mum in Spain for her birthday as planned was disappointing, but things could certainly have been worse.

Fortunately, I was very busy with a large translation project for the first six months of this year so that took my mind off being at home all the time and work has continued at a pleasant level since that project ended. I’m aware how very lucky I am to work in a sector that hasn’t been so badly impacted by the pandemic, though it has hit home how important it is to have contingency plans.

We did manage to get away in August for a week to a shepherds hut on a farm. We enjoyed the change of scenery and the outdoor activities. We’ve also joined the National Trust and made the most of their various outdoor spaces. We even managed to see inside two properties – all appropriately socially distanced – before harsher restrictions were brought in.

Weald & Downland Living Museum in the South Downs

At the start of October I ran a solo business retreat over two days to take stock of my business and set goals for the coming quarter and year. As we come to the end of the quarter in question. I’m pleased to report that I’ve achieved the vast majority of those goals. Perhaps I need to be a little more ambitious next time.

Lockdown 2.0 was pretty much the same as the previous stint, working from home, socializing online, and visiting National Trust properties and nature reserves on the weekends. Now I’m looking forward to Christmas. As a fairly crafty person, I can get a little hectic at this time of year trying to get gifts made in time. I am, however, truly bursting with excitement.

 Our trusty old tree that I'm too sentimental to replace!

 2020 Highlights

1) Rev Club: This year I joined two revision clubs, one for French and one for Spanish. We discuss our work, learn from each other and have a chat. I look forward to every meeting and find our exchanges incredibly valuable.

2) Network socials: The ITI East Anglia Network has been on top form when it comes to keeping everyone’s spirits up. We had weekly chats throughout lockdown, more structured chats as we got used to the new normal and an excellent Christmas do. The coordination team have done a superb job in a really difficult year.

The ITI Coffee Mornings have also been a lockdown highlight. With guests from the various networks sharing insights, tall tales and recommendations, these profession-oriented socials have been a joy.

More recently I’ve joined MET – Mediterranean Editors and Translators – and  I’m looking forward to participating in more of their events. I’ve already gotten stuck in with the Christmas party on Thursday and a couple of virtual co-working sessions (amusingly named VCOWs).

3) Clients: My business would be nothing without my clients and I’m fortunate that they are all a pleasure to work with. I’ve met some great new clients working for worthwhile causes with interesting projects and strengthened relationships with existing clients. Thank you all.

4) Mentoring: This is the first year I’ve tried my hand at mentoring and so far I’m loving it. I’m doing both translation and business mentoring and so far I think it’s going well. I look forward to my mentees’ feedback so I can work on my approach and hopefully help more colleagues in future.

2020 Challenges

This year has honestly been one of the best ever for my business. I feel guilty saying it even though I probably shouldn’t. Like many I’ve found not being able to see friends and family in person difficult and not being able to travel has been unfortunate. But I’m lucky that I don’t live alone, that I have friends and family to chat to online and that I’m used to and enjoy working from home alone.

Looking forward to 2021

In 2021 there is a lot to look forward to (not to mention fewer deaths and easing restrictions as the vaccine is rolled out):

1) Business retreat in January

2) CIOL conference in early 2021 (online)

3) Seeing my mum in person (maybe)

4) Presentation to Bristol Uni students on being a translator in February

5) Hopefully lots more interesting projects with my fantastic clients

I would like to say a big thank you to all my colleagues, clients, friends and family who have made this a good year when it could have been really very bad. You’ve made a real positive difference to me and many others I’m sure.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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