Friday, 29 October 2021

Working for your why

Back when I started freelancing around 9 years ago, I wrote a business plan. I had lots of time to research how I wanted to do it and I was lucky enough to come across the video below. In it, Simon Sinek explains why it's imperative to start with your "why" (why you're doing what you're doing) before trying to identify and sell your "what" (your goods and services). At the time, this really resonated with me and I've held fast to the purpose behind my business since then.

While it has been updated a little over the years, the "why" behind my business hasn't changed all that much. How I've expressed that through my services has also changed, but again, only a little.

Below is the "why to what" that drives my translation work. It governs who work with, on what projects and how I run my business.

The idea of "why" also links to the concept of values. If you don't know what values drive you, it can be hard to identify why you do what you do. Again, how I've articulated these values has evolved over time, but they haven't changed a great deal.

The values that drive my business are personal to me, they run through my life and motivate me:

What are the values that drive you? What's your "why"? If you don't know, your client's certainly won't. And that's no way to build a strong relationship.

It's not difficult to identify your values and articulate your purpose. You just listen to your gut. It takes time and introspection, but it's well worth getting it down on paper (or screen), so you can remind yourself from time to time, especially when you have a tough decision to make.

I've shared mine, now what about yours. I would love to hear what drives you and why you do what you do.